Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Pedagogical Truths

1. Inquiry and experimentation drive good teaching and good curriculum design.

2. "The opposite of creativity is cynicism" (Saarinen), but "the cynics are right nine times out of ten" (Mencken); even so, "In the end we shall have had enough of cynicism, skepticism and humbug, and we shall want to live more musically" (Van Gogh).

3. The success of good teaching and good program is not measured by those who have kept up the pace all the way to the finish line; rather, it is measured by the success of those for whom one has gone back because they fell down along the way.

4. I am no longer a teacher of English; I am a teacher of students through the medium of English language and literature.

5. Beware of one’s own ego. It may be the biggest impediment to a one's learning and success.